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(Work and page in progress. More texts and materials to be included soon)


6 letters. 2 photos. Those are the only documents I could tie to the mystery my grandmother, a woman I always knew as conservative and inflexible, left us when she died in 2018: the photo of an unknown military man, the fancy menu of a dinner party and a radical note, with a choice...


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It said À mettre dans mon cercueil ou à brûler.

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Put it in my coffin or burn it.

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À mettre dans mon cercueil ou à brûler isn’t about the identity of the unknown man. It’s a puzzle left by a loved one, focusing on the family archive and all the questions unanswered. Who are the people we thought we knew?

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How do we tell what’s impossible to know for certain?

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How to tell what you can’t ask anymore?

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With the archive, letters and photos of Gilberte, my own photos, texts, found archives and other materials, but also with care and the gaze of the present, À mettre dans mon cercueil ou à brûler is an ongoing visual and textual project about imagination and the significance of silence in women’s personal stories.

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